The work involves many archaeologists, engineers, geologists, Sanskritists, and soil scientists. This collaborative work is vital to understanding the heritage impacts of earthquakes.
The excavations are being carried out in a safe environment. Detailed archaeological approaches are being developed to evaluate the damage, adaptations, and resilience of historic standing structures and their foundations. Click to learn more.

Deep excavations are critical to many construction projects, particularly those in seismic zones. However, they come with their own set of challenges that need to be addressed. These include soil instability, structural damage, and environmental hazards. A reliable deep excavation support system is the key to minimizing these risks.
Using braced diaphragm walls is crucial to ensuring the safety of deep excavations during earthquakes. They help prevent damage to the excavations, surrounding buildings, groundwater, and other underground structures. These systems also help maintain the integrity of the excavation and protect the workers working in it. The design of a deep excavation support system is complex and requires careful consideration of many factors. These include the excavation depth, soil type and strength, and the surrounding infrastructure.
During an earthquake, the bending moments, shear forces, and axial loads of deep excavation walls and struts are remarkably increased. This is because of the seismic interaction between the soil and the structure. This is why it is important to consider the effect of the seismic environment on the design and performance of a deep excavation support system.
Deep excavations in seismic zones are often necessary for building foundations and tunnels. They can also be used to install network cables essential for modern infrastructure development. Nevertheless, these excavations present significant challenges and pose serious risks to the safety of workers and existing structures. For example, deep excavations can lead to soil erosion, which may affect the structural integrity of surrounding buildings.
Several studies have investigated the seismic responses and damage mechanisms of deep excavations. These studies include using different seismic retrofitting methods and advanced computational modeling. However, the results of these studies vary significantly. This is largely due to the complexity of the nonlinear soil behavior. For example, the kinematic hardening model cannot fully describe the nonlinear soil behavior.
Constructing a diaphragm wall is an excellent alternative to more traditional excavation support methods. Its high strength and durability make it a great choice for excavation projects, especially those in sensitive areas such as near existing buildings or waterfront structures. It can be used as a temporary excavation support system or as a permanent structure. In both cases, it is an efficient and cost-effective solution for seismic protection.
The design of a braced diaphragm wall requires the consideration of both the soil properties and the structural response. The structural behavior of the walls can change depending on the model width and mesh size, so it is important to choose the appropriate model width and mesh size to capture the asymmetric pressure caused by the distance between the external load and the excavation accurately. This study performed a dynamic centrifuge test to determine the nonlinear seismic responses and damage mechanisms of a deep-braced diaphragm wall. The test results showed that the asymmetric pressure on the wall can be reduced by increasing its stiffness.
A diaphragm wall is a type of sheet pile wall that is used as an excavation support. The wall consists of a bentonite or polymer-based slurry that prevents soil incursion into the excavated trench. The slurry is also raked to reduce the lateral earth loads on the diaphragm wall. It is often combined with a relieving slab and anchor piles.
Unlike other forms of shoring, diaphragm walls do not require retaining walls or buttresses to resist lateral forces. Instead, the forces are transmitted across the skin of the wall to the soil. This allows for a more economical and environmentally friendly solution than traditional retaining walls. It also provides more stability than conventional shoring systems.
Performing seismic retrofitting after an earthquake can make your home safer and more resilient. This process involves modifying existing buildings to make them more resistant to seismic activity, ground motion, and soil failure. This is a more economical alternative to building a new structure. Moreover, it increases the value of your property.
A typical retrofit involves strengthening and bracing the cripple walls. This is a major structural component of the house and can be easily damaged in an earthquake. The wall is stiffened by attaching structural grade plywood tightly to the framing. A shear wall is also a common feature of a seismic retrofit.
Older houses with a garage or open structure (also known as soft-story buildings) may be at particular risk of collapse during an earthquake. During a seismic retrofit, these areas are braced with straps and brackets. The connections between the foundation, the house, and the roof are also improved. Careful planning and placement of foundation bolts are critical for good load transfer.
Many homeowners remodel their homes for resale or enjoyment, but this isn’t enough to keep them safe during an earthquake. A seismic upgrade is a much better investment. It can help increase the resale value of your house and ensure that it stays standing after an earthquake.
The new laws require seismic retrofits for buildings not constructed according to current code requirements. Retrofitting can be expensive, but protecting your home is worth the cost. Moreover, it can help reduce your earthquake insurance deductible. Unlike traditional home insurance, earthquake insurance offers a percentage deductible instead of a fixed amount. If you perform a seismic retrofit, your insurance company will likely recognize the reduction in risk and lower your deductible. As a result, you can enjoy lower earthquake insurance rates and more peace of mind.
After an earthquake, risk assessment is a vital part of the recovery process. This assessment can help owners, investors, and tenants understand the potential risks associated with their properties. It can also help them minimize losses. However, estimating losses is difficult and time-consuming. Many countries need help finding the necessary resources for a comprehensive risk assessment.
Various studies have tried to develop methods for assessing seismic risk and loss. These methods include probability-based models and deterministic approaches. Probabilistic models use statistical techniques to predict the probability that a building will experience damage. They can be used to assess a single structure or to compare different buildings in an area.
Deterministic methods, on the other hand, consider the impact of specific damage mechanisms. This allows them to estimate total losses in a particular location. They can also identify hotspots and provide a basis for planning pre- and post-disaster management actions.
The first step in assessing risk is to understand the impact of an earthquake. This includes determining the likelihood of damage to buildings and people. A detailed risk assessment can help reduce the damage caused by earthquakes and improve safety measures in urban areas.
In addition to reducing the number of injuries and deaths, risk assessment can reduce the amount of damage to critical infrastructure. This can help prevent the disruption of water supply, power, and communications systems. It can also minimize the damage to residential and commercial buildings.
A thorough risk assessment can help cities and communities prepare for future disasters by identifying the most vulnerable structures. A risk assessment can be conducted using a variety of methodologies, including geometric surveys and visual inspections. The resulting data can be used to identify and mitigate risk by designing effective retrofits for vulnerable structures.